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Slip Disc

Due to repeated overused of certain tasks, during bending, lifting and sporting activities often intervertebral discs slipped that put pressure on the spinal cord and never root causing extreme pain. This occurrence is termed as Slip Disc or Slipped Disc. Most commonly slipped discs arise in the lumbar spine, at the bottom of the back, between the fourth and fifth vertebra. About 95% of back pain is a result of a slip disc.

Physiotherapy Treatments for Slipped Discs

Slip Disc problem can occur anywhere in the neck, back or in spine. It causes extreme pain and weakness to the sufferers. But it can be treated by physiotherapy treatments. Physiotherapy plays a vital role in overall management of slipped disc.

We at Delhi Physiotherapist treat the slipped disc with Connective Tissue Manipulation and the Mackenzie Exercise Regime. With our effective treatment we are aimed to reduce the tension & pain around the spine and change the mechanics of the disc helping it to return to the normal position and resolve the problem.

We at Delhi Physiotherapist treat the root cause of the problem not just the symptoms.

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